Sunday, April 13, 2008


This seems to me to be a very easy way to broadcast information not only internally in the Library service itself - we have six branches up to 2 hours apart. Meetings could be videoed. Author talks, special events and children's storytimes etc could all be linked to our web page. Unfortunately we too have problems with the IT Dept and I have to do this program at home.

Slamming the Boards

Really like this idea. Because the information is so subjective and divergent one does not know how accurate the answers are and to have recorded librarians posting answers makes the information more creditable as well as publising librarian's knowledge. It is important that the role of librarians is seen to be active in modern technology.


Love this site - what a time consumer though. & Technorati This seems to me to be the greatest thing for assignment preparation and general subject reference and should save a lot of time in the future. There is a discrepancy in the different tags used but provided that several tags are used I think this will not be a problem.
Technorati I feel that this will be more and more necessary as more and more blogs are created.

I am finding these lessons are taking more and more time as exploration leads to exploration! It is all so interesting.

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Just like my little fella

I found this lesson very interesting and time-consuming indeed. So many different videos to look at and so many different uses that they could be used for in the Library from staff information to author talks and visits to exhibitions and storytelling. Am having trouble embedding the video I have chosen but will persist and hopefully will be successful.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008


I have found this very interesting and definitely of use in the library. The whole course is so informative and I am enjoying learning so much new stuff.

Real Simple

This is getting to be more fun and less nervewracking. Cannot believe what I am accomplishing. So much easier to have one's favourites all in one spot. I really appreciate being made to do all this myself so that I have to actually read the instructions and not skate over them and put in the too-hard basket.